The Lone Wolf

I am not new to painting or to ‘arts’, for that matter. In fact, I started ‘drawing’ before I even learned how to write my own name. (Lines and sketches on the wall HAHAHA) I remembered, at a very young age, I was already very interested on drawings and colors. I always asked my mom to draw her ‘3-layered cake’ on a card board or a scratch paper. I vividly remember that one. (Not that she’s good at it, but i’m definitely amused by it). I think I was 4 when I actually made actual figures that at least resemble what they were supposed to look like :P 

During my elementary days, I drew more. Started painting too using water colors and poster paints. Used oil pastel and crayons on my work. Designed the 6th-grade corridors with murals and cut outs with friends who also loved art and crafts. I’m not the best at what I do, but I know for sure that I loved it and I totally enjoyed it.

At high school, I started drawing less… lesser when I reached college. I got busy with other things. Once in a while I would draw something but that’s about it. Most of my college friends probably wouldn’t even know I used to draw or paint. I started my corporate life, and my arts just got pushed back more.

Sad. I know. I should have continued it… But that being said, art is an old friend; my first love even. And recently, I got reunited with it. 
I got inspired to try it again. And I’m glad I did :)

“The Lone Wolf” is my come-back painting. My first ever attempt to try a new medium, oil colors.
It’s not the best painting or the most interesting one you can find. But it’s a milestone for me after more than a decade, I paint again. 

We meet again. Hello, old friend! :)

I don’t have proper training; I never went to an arts school. But my passion for art is definitely there. I know I still need more practice and learning. To continuously train myself to be better at what I do. I look up to artists who love their craft and that inspires me.

It’s fun to begin again on a blank canvas.
Imagine what you want, be inspired and just make it happen.

Don’t afraid to make mistakes, you can always make adjustments. If not, then at the least, you still get to learn from your mistakes. :)

Painting Details:

Title: "The Lone Wolf"
Signed: Lloyd, 07.07.17
Canvas Size: 14x11
Medium: Oil Paint, Gamblin Colors

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